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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Select Technology are officially ISO 27001 certified!

Published 24 Nov 2019

Select Technology are officially ISO 27001 certified!

As we continue to recognise Cybersecurity Awareness month, Select Technology are very pleased to announce that we have now achieved our ISO 27001 certification in Information Security Management! We all know that cybersecurity is of paramount importance in business and we like to lead by example. Furthermore, because we are looking after our clients’ data, we recognise that it is our responsibility to ensure we are doing our utmost to keep any information and data safe. Becoming ISO 27001 accredited is the perfect way to demonstrate that we have the systems and processes in place to maintain an excellent level of security at all times and across all levels of the business.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the only auditable international standard that defines the requirements of an information security management system. An ISMS is a set of policies, procedures, processes and systems that manage information risks, such as cyber-attacks, hacks, data leaks or theft.

By becoming an ISO 27001 certified business we are demonstrating that we have implemented a framework for best practice in information security process both online and offline, so you can be assured that you’re in safe hands.

For further information, find out more about ISO 27001.

So, why have we become ISO 27001 Certified?

Aside from a lovely certificate and accreditation logo, there are many benefits of becoming ISO 27001 Certified, including the following:

More Secure

Implementing an ISO27001 certified framework means we are more resilient to cyber-attacks and we can adapt to evolving security threats.

Constantly Maintaining and Improving Security

It is invaluable for monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a company’s information security management system.

Reducing risk and being compliant

The certification demonstrates that we have identified the risks, assessed the implications and put in place systemised controls to limit any damage to the organisation as well as ensuring security controls to make regulatory compliance, such as GDPR.

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