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Data back up: Would you like to know a secret?

By Nick Potter, Director | Published 2 Aug 2021

Data backup is not exactly top of most people’s agenda, however I am going to attempt to pique your interest. So, here we go…

A dirty little secret

Firstly, to be very clear, we love Microsoft, but I want to share with you its “dirty little secret”: it doesn’t back up your data! It’s very clever, in that it “retains” your data for a short period of time, but after that point, it’s gone. This is why we always recommend backing up your data with another provider. It can feel like a pure cost with no return, however there are hundreds of examples of businesses using their backups to protect them from the darker side of the digital age. 

A shining light…

For example, FujiFilms were hit with a cyberattack in June that locked them out of significant parts of their database; some businesses would have paid the criminals and hoped that they might regain access. Not FujiFilms, they told them to “sod off”, and used their backups to restore their systems. With one hack the cost of having a backup is immediately recovered! 

Defence is the best form of attack

For this very reason we recommend utilising Datto’s Backupify. Datto is a world leader in business continuity and recovery, and Backupify automatically backs up your data 3 times a day, detects new users, archives departing employees, provides unlimited storage, provides quick and easy recovery, and if nothing else “Backupify” sounds funky!

An irresistible offer

As I have mentioned, we believe in data backup to protect your business from all sorts of threats, but we also understand that a little sweetener goes a long way. 

Therefore, if you take up our offer before the *end of August 2021, we will give you free installation worth up to £800!

All you need to do is get in contact and we can have a chat, getting you on the way to self-protection and the ability to laugh in the face of the criminals (we strongly advise that you don’t do this in real life).

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