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Cutting Corners: A guide to Window shortcuts

By Jig Mehta, Marketing Executive | Published 23 Mar 2020

It was many years ago that I was introduced to Window shortcuts, and I have found them to be a really useful tool in improving how I use my keyboard. I, like many others only scratched the surface of what is available. While taking the time to reacquaint myself with some forgotten shortcuts, I realised that there are so many more that could be useful to my everyday processes.  

I’m sure that the “Windows Key + .” shouldn’t be as useful to me as it is!

What is the Windows key?

The Windows key has been part of your keyboard for over 25 years, it’s function in combination with other keys will allow you to shortcut your way around your computer. This turns your multiple mouse clicks into a super-efficient and enhanced Windows experience.

There are many advantages to learning the windows shortcuts, including increased capacity for multitasking, greater efficiency, and can help alleviate some health issues. So, taking the time to learn where the windows key is could be extremely important.  

Now there are potentially two locations on your keyboard where you will find the Windows key, and this very much depends on the available space:

  1. Right hand side of the space bar, between Ctrl and Alt buttons
  2. Left hand side of the space bar, between Alt Gr and menu buttons

It can seem quite intimidating trying to memorise all the shortcuts that are available, however it is important to remember you don’t need to know them all. To this end, we have put together a short cheat sheet, that we think will help make you a pro, or at least look like on (which is all we really are hoping for)! 

Select Technology cheat sheet

Opens and closes the start menu
+ AOpens the action center.
+ BDraws your focus to the notification area.
+ DDisplay and hide the desktop.
+ Alt + DOpen and closes the date and time on the desktop.
+ EOpen file explorer.
+ HStart dictation.
+ IOpen settings.
+ LLock or switch account.
+ MMinimise all windows.
+ OLock device orientation.
+ PChange the display mode.
+ ROpen run box.
+ S Open search.
+ Shift + STake a screenshot of part of your screen.
+ Up ArrowMaximise the window.
+ Down ArrowMinimise or remove the current window.
+ Left ArrowMinimise to the left of the screen.
+ Right ArrowMinimise to the right of the screen.
+ Shift + Left/Right ArrowMore window from one monitor/screen to another.
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